Reading …

  • John 11:1-4,25-27

Introduction …

  • As we start our journey through one of the most important passages in Scripture I want you at all times to remember 2 other verses …
    • These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God … John 20;31
    • If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved … Rom 10;9
  • Consequently, critical in the teaching of this church are 2 truths …
    • The Lordship of Jesus …
    • The resurrection of Jesus from the dead. 
      • Paul makes it very clear that without these 2 truths there is no such thing as Christianity… 1 Cor 15; 12-19
        • If Christ has not been raised your faith is futile. 
  • Last week Bruce dealt with the Lordship of Jesus from chapter 10 …
    • The Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy because he made himself equal with God… and so they sought to stone him…. vs 31
      • But the proof of that claim is found in the miraculous signs that he did and which we have been considering for some 8 weeks or so. 
    • Jesus' reply …The miracles I do in my Fathers name speak of me… 10;23
  • For the next 2 weeks we will deal with the glory of God and resurrection…
    • These  are critical subjects that involve every one of us today. 
      • Bruce said …All men will be raised from the dead …
        • But the question is …Raised to what.  
  • In the aforementioned  verses we have 2 vital issues that are dealt with in the chapter in front of us …
    • Two issues that guarantee salvation and resurrection to eternal life with Christ. 
      • That makes this chapter incredibly important to you and me. 
  • The story in front of us is a very human story …
    • One that is easy for us to relate to …
      • The illness and death of a loved one is very real to all of us. 

Background …

  • It starts in Bethany on the other side of the Jordan river …
    • This is where John the Baptist had been baptizing … John 1;28
    • But the three siblings lived in Bethany which is 2 miles from Jerusalem .
      • The 2 Bethany’s were a day's journey apart. 
  • Jesus had a problem in chapter 10 when the Jews wanted to stone him …so he left there and crossed the Jordan to Bethany, where John the Baptist had been preaching and many believed in Jesus … John 10;42
    • So Jerusalem was a dangerous place for Jesus to be …
      • Many were following Jesus and the Jewish hierarchy were becoming very hostile towards him.
        • If we let him go on like this everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation … vs 48
        • Truth is not the issue …Self interest and job protection are.  
  • This is the last of the 7 sign miracles that John has chosen to reveal the person,  nature and purposes of Jesus.
    • Here is the final proof of his humanity and deity. 
    • And it is a miracle performed in the presence of many people. 
    • And Jesus states very clearly what he is out to achieve …
      • That you may believe … vs 15
  • But as we go thru all of Jesus' miracles we realize that there is always a divided response …
    • Those that believe and those that, despite the evidence, refuse to believe. 

Jesus' relationship with the siblings…

  • It is important to notice that this story starts by making reference to the special relationship that existed between this family and Jesus
    • Lord, the one you love is ill… is the message …vs 3
      • The Greek word used here is not agape but philo which highlights a very personal relationship …
        • It refers to a personal friendship …
          • A friend of, affection for, fond of. 
    • The Scripture places particular emphasis on Jesus love for Martha, Mary and Lazarus… vs 5
    • Jesus refers to Lazarus as “our friend” … vs 11
    • John identifies Mary as the one who anointed Jesus feet … proof of her special love for Jesus …vs 3
    • In this story there are a lot of emotions being revealed …
      • Jesus is troubled, deeply moved, he sheds a tear …vs 33
      • Within these words we see the humanity and divinity of Jesus …
    • This was not the first time Jesus had been to their home…
      • Previously Jesus and his disciples had been entertained by Martha … Luke 10;38
      • Here was a family devoted to Jesus …And he is devoted to them …

True Believers …

  • We often see Mary as the predominant believer but that is not true …
    • They were just different personalities.
      • Mary was probably a more studious type, sitting at Jesus' feet. 
      • Martha was the go-getter. 
        • They both worshiped … just in different ways. 
  • Don't underestimate Martha …Her theology was spot on …
    • Both of the sisters, on seeing Jesus,said the same thing …
      • Lord if you had been here things would be different … vs 21, 32.
    • Martha however makes a remarkable confession …
      • Lord (Kuros .. supreme in authority, God)… I believe you are the Christ, (Messiah) the Son of God (Deity) Who came into the world (Fulfilling prophecy)
      • She also believed in the resurrection in the last day … vs 24
        • Nothing wrong with her theology … spot on
      • Here she makes the confession we read in Romans 10;9
      • She had not witnessed the crucifiction as yet, nor did she fully understand the resurrection of Jesus, but she was about to learn. 
        • She was undoubtedly a believer in Jesus.
    • So these siblings were special people and Jesus cared greatly for them …
  • In this relationship alone the glory of God the Father and Christ the Son is revealed. 
    • The siblings are loved of God and the Lord Jesus
      • In them the love of God is revealed.

The purpose of the illness…

  • When confronted by a massive problem like this death, we often hear people putting the blame at sins door. 
    • Go back to the healing of the man who was blind from birth … John 9;1-12
      • The disciples ask Jesus who had sinned that this should happen …
      • Jesus' answer is …
        • This happened so that the work of God might be revealed in him. 
        • It had nothing to do with sin on this occasion …
        • It was for God’s purposes.
  • There are a number of good men in the bible who suffer…
    • Job the most blameless of men suffered for God's purposes. 
  • Lazarus was a good man and is called to suffer …
    • Jesus gives us the reason for Lazarus’ death …vs 4. 
    • It is for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified thru it. 
  • Yes it is true that God can and does use circumstances to discipline wayward people… Heb 12;1-12
    • Because He is a good father, and he does it for our good… Heb 12;10
      • This hiding is hurting me more than you …
        • I never ever believed them  
          • Until I became a father. 
      • It is part of the growing up process … sanctification. 
      • God’s  discipline cannot be divorced from his love…
        • It is his love that motivates His discipline
      • His discipline is not some arbitrary act of retribution. 
        • It has a purpose …
          • It produces a harvest of righteousness … Heb 12;11
    • Even in the last days as God pours out his just wrath on the world
      • And as Israel suffers a loss of 66% of its nation, he permits that slaughter so that he can draw Israel back to himself. 
      • So that they will recognise him whom they pierced … Zec 12;10
        • His love for Israel has never and will never cease. 
    • Warren Wiersbe …
      • God's love for his own is not a pampering love; it is a perfecting love. We must never think that love and suffering are incompatible. 
  • So we must never forget that suffering is more often used for his glory.
    • E.g. Joni Erikson Tada’s has been a life of testimony.for Christ. 
      • One soul makes the chair worthwhile 
    • Suffering is used to reveal God's love to those 
      • Who need to be encouraged in their christian walk ..
      • Who need to learn of the salvation found in the Lord Jesus 
    • Suffering is not easy to endure … or to accept…
      • But God does use it to reveal His glory … 
  • God's purpose is that Lazarus’ death would result in glory for his name and that of the Lord  Jesus…
  • So if you have been called to suffer I trust these remarks will be of encouragement to you… 

Glory …

  • Lazarus’s sickness was for God's glory … vs 4 
    • Why is God working in this way… does he have an ego problem …
    • Absolutely not… He is always only ever holy.  
  • Doxaza …Glorify
    • To glorify God is to ascribe to Him a proper, true and accurate opinion of Him… an opinion that will enhance his reputation.
      • E.g. Martha’s confession…
        • Lord, Messiah, Son of God …
          • A true account of who Jesus is.   
    • But for us to be able to glorify him He has to reveal Himself to us. 
      • And that is exactly what His word the bible is all about. 
        • That is why Medway is doing the series in John. 
      • In the bible we have the full revelation of God the Father, Jesus Christ his Son and the Holy Spirit. 
    • So when I say to you … God created the world and all that is in it …
      • it is not an opinion that I have concocted… it is the truth revealed in the Word of God …John 1;3
      • If I tell you God is love …and He so loved the world that he sent Jesus his Son to save us… John 3;16 
        • It is a true, accurate opinion based in the truth of his revelation and it brings glory to his name and enhances his reputation among people. 
          • And its purpose is to turn men's hearts to him. 
      • In John 6 Jesus claims to be the bread of life …and we need to feed on him … John 10;56
        • There is a massive dispute that arises and many of the people turn away from Jesus and he turns to his disciples and says 
          • You don't want to leave do you ?…
        • Peter replies …
          • Lord, to whom shall we go… We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God… vs 69
            • That is a true revelation of the glory of God. 
        • And that is what happens here in this story … vs 45
          • Lazarus must die …
          • The family must mourn  the death 
          • Jesus reveals his glory in resurrection
          • And people are saved. 
      • But we must know the truth so that we can glorify Him.
        • We can not invent inaccurate opinions that we have created 
          • E.g. God is love and will never send people to hell.
          • Clearly the love of God and his holiness have not been understood …
        • If there is no hell, why send Jesus to die for sin. 
          • What a meaningless act. 
            • Which would reflect badly on Gods reputation.
    • What is God’s purpose in sending Jesus to this earth …
      • Jesus told us ,... I am come to seek and save the lost… Luke 19;10
    • How are we saved … 
      • Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God … 
      • We must understand and ascribe a proper, true and accurate opinion of Him …
  • The revelation of his glory is not an ego problem …
    • It has a very specific purpose …
    • His revealed glory causes people to believe in him. 

Conclusion …

  • And every soul saved reveals the glory of God. 
    • It reveals His…
      • Love, mercy, grace, patience…
      • Holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, wrath.
      • Protection. Provision, promises. 
      • Power to save
  • As he calls his own to suffer for his name's sake  …
    • He goes before to guide …
    • He walks beside to carry and support
    • He goes behind to protect …and deliver. 
  • He is …
    • A good Shepherd
    • A faithful friend …
    • An everlasting father
  • When he says …
    • I work everything for your good …Rom 8;28
      • We often doubt and question what he is doing  …
        • That illness, loss of income, loss of loved one, hurtful experience.
          • Why me Lord… what have I done
          • It is not about what I have done but what He wants us to do for His glory. 
  • As a believer it is my purpose to bring glory to His name …
    • There are various ways of doing it …
    • Jesus said …
      • I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do … John 17;4
      • Lazarus and others suffered for his sake… John 11;4, John 9;3
      • Peter became a martyr  for Christ … John 21;19
      • We can live lives that bear much fruit … John 15;8
        • All to the glory of God.