Reading …

  • John 11:24,25

Introduction …

  • Last week we spoke about the purposes of God in the death of Lazarus …
    • He died for the glory of God that the Son of God may be glorified thru it.
    • Today we are going to see the proof of that statement.  
  • Of all the claims in Scripture that is denied the most , it is the resurrection of Jesus from the dead… 
    • Because the moment you accept a resurrection you acknowledge the life hereafter and the existence of God. 
    • The really interesting point is that it matters not the evidence you bring to the table …
      • The majority of people deny it. 
  • Why is there such a heavy resistance to the doctrine of the resurrection of Jesus…
    • Because without his resurrection there is no life hereafter…
      • And therefore no accountability before God for our actions…
        • That is what sinful man wants to believe .
        • That is what the father of lies (the devil) wants us to believe.
  • What does the Bible say …
    • If Christ is not risen your faith is futile , you are still in your sins… 1 Cor 15;17
      • So the Bible teaches that without a resurrection Christianity is dead.
    • So the subject of resurrection is of absolute importance …
      • Without resurrection means we are without hope. 
  • The denials started, despite first hand evidence , on the day of the resurrection … Math 28;11
    • The guards reported all things that happened …vs 11
    • But the Pharisees created a false story denying the truth …
  • They said … We will not have this man to rule over us …
    • And that is where we stand today. 
  • The resurrection is the very foundation upon which our hope in Christ is built.

The Facts …

  • Jesus is in Bethany transJordan … a day's journey from Bethany Judea.
    • He is told that Lazarus is ill … 
  • Jesus responds by saying … the sickness is not unto death…
    • And he remains where he is for a further 2 days …
    • On the 3rd day he decides to make the journey back to Bethany Judea. 
      • And announces that he is going to wake Lazarus up.
      • The disciples argue that if he is just sleeping then he will get better …
        • And there is then no need for them to go into the danger zone that Jerusalem had become. 
      • Jesus confirms that Lazarus is physically dead …. 
  • In terms of Deut 21;23 Jewish practice was to bury the dead as soon as possible but within 24 hours of death. 
    • By the time Jesus arrived in Bethany Lazarus had been in the tomb for 4 days… vs 39
  • Medical science today confirms that after 4 days decomposition is well under way …
    • Rigamortis has stopped …
    • Decomposition of the inner body is taking place and a green smelly fluid is starting to be excreted. 
  • On the 2 previous resurrection miracles some would argue that they were not really dead … implying a swoon or minor coma. 
    • Jarius’ daughter was still in the bedroom …Luke 8;40-56
      • Having just died …
    • And the widow of Nain's son in an open coffin …Luke 7;11-17
      • Died within 24 hours. 
    • But here Martha objects to the opening of the grave because of decomposition having started… vs 39
      • He’d been in the tomb for 4 days. 
  • Clearly the reason why Jesus delayed his return had a very specific purpose.
    • To the disciples he said … 
      • I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe.vs 15 …
    • To Martha Jesus said …
      • I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me though he may die, he will live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die… Do you believe? vs25,26
    • But in both of these statements Jesus' purpose is clear …
      • That you may believe. .. 
  • It is  clear that none of them really understand what Jesus is saying …
    • And therefore he tells them to take away the grave stone… vs 39…
      • Did I not say that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God … vs 40
    • Then in a moment of prayer to the Father Jesus says …
      • Father I thank you that you have heard me …I said this that these people standing by may believe
  • This word believe keeps coming up … X4
    • What is it that Jesus wants them to know and believe …
      • I am the resurrection and the life … vs 25
        • That is the glorious truth about Jesus.
    • And to prove that claim he demonstrates the truth about who he is …
      • Lazarus come forth … vs 43
        • And Lazarus receives a renewed body and comes walking out. 
  • And many believe in Jesus … vs 45
    • But some walk away in unbelief… vs 46
  • Summary …
    • There can be no doubt that Lazarus was dead … Fact!!!!
      • The decomposition process had begun …
    • Equally it is a fact that he walked out of the grave. 
      • Some of the observers believed…
        • Fulfilling Jesus' purposes.
  • Remember what Jesus said previously …
    • The works that I do in the Fathers name, they bear witness of Me 10;25
    • If you believe you will see the glory of God. 
  • Martha Believed …
    • What did she see… 
      • The Lord Jesus Christ in all his glory and deity as the Resurrection and life. .. vs 40
      • The glory of Christ is revealed …
        • The resurrection of Lazarus is proof of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Summary of study so far …

  • Seven sign miracles …
    • Water to wine.
    • The official's son healed
    • The lame man at the pool walks 
    • Feeding 5000 from 2 fish and 5 loaves
    • Walking on the water.
    • The blind man sees
    • The resurrection of Lazarus
  • The works that I do in the Fathers name, they bear witness of Me  10;25
    • All of these sign miracles point in the same direction …
      • They reveal the glory of God and the Son of God …
      • They reveal the truth about God and his purposes in Christ the God man. 

I am …

  • Add to this the 7 I am  statements that Jesus claimed …
    • I am the bread of life 
    • The light of the world, 
    • The door, 
    • The good shepherd, 
    • The resurrection and the life, 
    • The way the truth the life, 
    • The vine. 
      • These phrases that were so offensive to the Jews
        • They understood very clearly what Jesus meant when he used the term “I am” …
    • In the Greek it is written in the present continuous tense …
      • And speaks of the self existent deity of God. 
      • Where there is no past, present or future … 
        • The great eternal one. 
          • With the Father before the foundation of the world… John 1;1 
      • They are who He is and therefore what He is able to do …
        • The source of life and therefore the giver of life …
        • The source of resurrection life and therefore able to raise to life. 
      • Only God can give life or restore life. 
        • The Jews under stood the claims of Jesus

The Importance of the Resurrection of Jesus…1 Cor 15;12-19

  • The three resurrections that we have mentioned are past history …
    • Lazarus rose from the dead and carried on living … for a while … then died.
      • Jarius’ daughter and the widow of Nain's son also eventually die. 
    • They were all raised with normal bodies and so died as is normal. 
  • So how does that impact on me and on Jesus' claim to Martha …
    • He who believes in me , even tho he dies, will live, and he who lives will not die … vs 25
      • Obviously this has not worked out for Lazarus and the other 2
      • So what and when is he talking about. 
  • That is why it is so important that we understand the difference between the resurrection signs done and the resurrection of Jesus …
    • Lazarus’ resurrection was a sign (A revelation) of who Jesus is.
      • Its purpose was to bring us to belief in Jesus. 
    • The resurrection of Jesus is there to bring us life …
      • Because I live you also shall live … John 14;19
  • His resurrection body was very different to Lazarus’
    • Jesus resurrection has a dynamic impact … today
      • For since death came thru a man the resurrection of the dead comes thru a man … 1 Cor 15;21-22.
      • For as in Adam all men die so in Christ all shall be made alive … 
      • Christ the first-fruits…That is his resurrection
    • Then our resurrection … vs 42-44
      • Then when he comes for those that belong to Him
      • So it will be with the resurrection of the dead … it is raised imperishable, it is raised in glory, it is raised in power , it is raised a spiritual body. 
  • And that makes sense of Jesus' statement to Martha …
    • I am the resurrection and the life ….
      • Thru His resurrection we are raised in the newness of life. 
        • He is the first fruits and we follow in kind …
          • Imperishable, glorious, powerful, spiritual. 
    • Then when he comes at the rapture … 1 Thess 4;16,17
      • Those believers that died are raised imperishable
      • Those that are alive will never die, but be changed immediately 
        • We all receive the same bodies that Christ has in resurrection…

Conclusion …

  • Is Jesus' resurrection important … It is absolutely critical …
    • The resurrection was not a new idea but spoken of throughout scripture…
      • Abraham … Heb 11;19
      • David … Acts 2;31 , Psl 17;15
      • Isaiah … Is. 25;8
      • Daniel … Dan 12;2 & John 11;24
    • In the New Testament …
      • Jesus … quotes Psl 16;10
      • Peter …  Quotes Psl 16;31-32  
      • Paul… also quotes O/T verses Acts 13;35  
    • It is thru the resurrection of Jesus that he was declared to be the Son of God (the Messiah) promised in the Old Testament …Rom 1;4
    • It is thru Jesus' death and resurrection that we are assured of forgiveness and justification … 
      • He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification… Rom 4;24
    • It is thru resurrection that he assures us of everlasting life …
      • Because I live you also will live … John 14;19 & 11;25
    • It is thru his resurrection that death is defeated …
      • Hosea’s prophecy … Death where is your sting … Hosea 13;14
        • Is fulfilled is Christ's resurrection … 1 Cor 15;56
    • Socrates was asked if there is life after death …
      • I hope so was his reply …
    • Peter says …
      • Praise be to the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ. In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope thru the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead … 1 Peter 1;3
  • Therefore my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully in the work of the Lord because you know that your labour is not in vain…1 Cor 15;58

American evangelist D. L. Moody (1837-1899) told of a soldier at the battle of Inkerman (Crimean War, 1854) who was somehow able to crawl back to his tent after he was shot. When he was later found, he was lying face-down, his open Bible before him, his hand stuck to one of the pages by his blood which covered it. When his hand was lifted, some of the words from the printed page were clearly visible on it. The verse was this: “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (Jn. 11:25). Said Moody, “I want a religion like that, which can comfort even in death, and can unite me with my loved ones. What gloom and darkness would settle upon this world were it not for the glorious doctrine of the resurrection!”