
  • In August we spoke about the Supremacy of Christ …
    • The Colossian church had been subjected to attack from 4 different sides and Jesus was being discredited…. Insufficient … 
      • Jews believed that you could not abandon the Mosaic law …
      • Gnostics believed you needed additional special knowledge …
      • The philosophers of this world believed you had to find God  …
      • The people believed additional works of man were required so they practiced penance.
    • In Colossians chapter 1:15 Paul teaches the supremacy of Christ …
      • The exact image of God…
        • All that God is dwells in Jesus in bodily form 
        • All the deity of God is in him …
        • He is the full manifestation of God …
          • The invisible made visible. 
      • The firstborn …over all creation …
        • This speaks of Rank, position, authority …
        • Head over all creation … 
          • For he made it 
          • For his purposes
          • For he sustains it. 
  • Summary …
    • Jesus is God in flesh…
    • The almighty creator and sustainer of all things …
      • His supremacy is beyond question.
    • It’s probably true to say most people believe God Almighty exists …
      • But it has no impact on their lives. 
        • He is up there somewhere … a mystery.
      • They may pray or call for prayers in a crisis …
        • But when the crisis is over all is forgotten. 
  • Today we want to go a step beyond the Supremacy and show the Sufficiency of Christ. 

Reading …

A promise is only as good as the promissory. ..

  • The promise of God thru the prophet Jeremiah was …Jeremiah 31:33-34
    • I will give them a new heart … and their sins I will remember no more …
    • In the letter to the Hebrews the scripture makes it clear that the fulfilment of that prophecy is found in the death and resurrection of Jesus  … Hebrews 10:15-18
    • Therefore applicable to us today…
  • As a banker by trade I learned that  in granting credit it is important to  ensure that the lender has …
    • The ability to honour his commitment …
    • And the willingness to repay. 
    • Would you believe the promises of President Putin …
      • He has power but … 
  • In dealing with the supremacy of Christ we know that…

Fullness … Completeness…Colossians 2:9

  • You have been given fullness (Completeness) in Christ …Colossians 2:9
    • Who is the head over every power and authority… 
      • Headship speaks to ability …
    • Given fullness …but it cost him …
      • Speaks of willingness …
  • In Christ …Colossians 2:9
    • A term used throughout the New Testament … X75
      • Always has reference to people who are already believers …
    • We are positioned in Christ the moment we receive him as Lord. 
      • Included in Christ when you heard the word of truth .. having believed you were marked in him with a seal… Ephesians 1:13
  • Fulness or completeness … Colossians 2:9
    • You have been given fullness in Christ … Colossians 2:10
    • Greek … Pleroo
      • Make full, fill up to the top, cram 
      • No deficiency. 
    • Perfect tense …
      • A past completed action …
        • With present ongoing effect .
      • The High Priest of Hebrews … Jesus death …Hebrews 10:14
        • Offered one sacrifice …
          • For all sins
          • For all times
            • And then sat down … work complete.
        • Because by one sacrifice he has made perfect, forever.
    • What is the word of truth … Sound doctrine …Hebrews 10:11
      • Previously Priests offered up sacrifices over and over again …
        • But to no effect … 
          • Sacrifices can never take away sin … 
      • But when this priest offered up one sacrifice …for all sin …
        • He made perfect… complete
      • Two thousand years ago he cried … Finished…Perfect tense
        • The work is complete …
          • Today we can still benefit from the ongoing effect. 
    • Complete … Nothing more to be added. 
      • To the Jews Paul says …
      • The world's philosophers …
        • The wisdom of man can’t find God …
      • Asceticism …
        • There is no forgiveness in any form of penance …
      • Mysticism …Angel worshippers …
        • There is only one intermediary … Jesus 
    • The work is complete, finished … at the cross of Jesus. 
  • Complete means complete …All, perfect, fullness.
    • And in the language of Jude he presents us faultless …Jude vs 24
  • Jesus is all sufficient…
    • From verse verse 11 to 15 Paul unpacks Jesus sufficiency in overcoming man's 3 biggest spiritual problems… 
      • Our sinful nature
      • Our sin
      • Satan's power. 

A new Nature …

  • In him you were also circumcised in the putting off of the  sinful nature … Colossians 2:11
  • The sinful nature is what all men have inherited from Adam … 
    • Therefore as sin entered the world thru one man and death thru sin and in this way death came to all men for all sinned. … Romans 5:12 
    • The nature is what causes us to act …
  • Paul says …
    • I am, by the sinful nature, a slave to the law of sin … Romans 7:25
    • John says … if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves …1 John 1:8 
  • It is the sinful nature that causes …
    • Sexual immorality, Impurity, lust, evil desires, greed, idolatry, etc … Colossians 3:5
    • Including anger, rage, slander, malice, filthy language … Colossians 3:8
      • Herein lies the root cause of the sin problem …
  • To correct this we have to go thru spiritual circumcision… Colossians 2:11
    • The cutting off of the sinful nature….
      • Not by man but by Christ … Colossians 2:11
        • So at conversion we die with him, and we are raised by the power of God in the newness of life … A new heart …
  • Writing to the Corinthians Paul says …
    • Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come … 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Jesus said to Nicodemus …
    • No one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born from above … John 3:3 … born of the Spirit …vs 5,8
  • In keeping with the new covenant I now have a new heart and mind…Jeremiah
    • But what about my sin????

Forgiveness of Sin …

  • He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled (wiped out)the written code… that was against us and stood opposed to us … and nailed it to the cross… Colossians 2:13-14
    • Jesus does not just forgive … his law demands justice …
      • Jesus is faithful and just to forgive … 1 John 1:9
    • But the law does permit substitution. 
  • Written code … Cheirographon …
    • This written code is what we know as an I.O.U. 
      • Which the law demands must be settled. 
        • But clearly we sinners do not have the ability to repay …
    • So it opposes us … is hostile towards us… 
      • Guilty, guilty… and the law must take action against the debtor
    • The law of Moses demands obedience …
      • But does not provide the means … there is …
        • No desire to obey in our hearts
        • No ability to obey in our hands
          • It is the standard, the accuser, the avenger.
    • The law of conscience is no different… Romans 2:12-16  
  • But in his death Jesus paid the debt for ALL our sins …
    • So the debt is wiped out …Ex  Aleipho …
      • E.G. I.O.U recorded on vellem … held by the creditor. 
      • I.O.U. …Paid in full … Tetelestai … finished
        • And nailed to his cross for all to see. 
  • Taken it away … Airo …
    • The debt is lifted, removed, never to reappear… 
    • Nailed to the cross … it is finished. 
  • Now the law has no claim against us…Case dismissed. 
    • And in the all sufficient Jesus we have an Advocate representing us when accusers come… 1 John 2:1
  • John says … He is righteous and just to forgive …
    • Because the price is paid. 
      • And as believers we are faultless in terms of God's law. 

Powers and Authorities disarmed …

  • And having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross… Colossians 2:15
  • Greek … Apekduomal …
    • Disarm … 
      • Strip completely…Subdue completely. 
  • Any Roman citizen would understand this verse …
    • Last week we witnessed the public procession that was the Queen's funeral … 
    • In Rome such processions were granted to triumphant generals as they 

returned home with the spoils of war.

  • The defeated soldiers were disarmed and disrobed …
    • They were followed by lictors who used rods to beat the defeated soldiers …
      • They suffered total humiliation.
        • For the general it was victory and glory
        • For the defeated it was humiliation and death. 
  • At the death of Jesus the authorities believed they had finally defeated this man Jesus… 
    • I’m sure there were high fives all round and much celebrating. 
      • But history tells a different story.
  • The day Jesus cried … it is finished …was the start of the church and the total demise of Judaism as they knew it.
  • By A.D.70…
    • The church had grown throughout the Empire
    • Rome had moved in and destroyed Jerusalem completely including the temple. 
    • Now with no temple and no place to sacrifice it all fell apart. 
  • As Jews left Jerusalem they took with them the message of Jesus
    • Churches popped up all over the known world all preaching the supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus. 
    • From that day to this and into the future the history of the Jews is a sad tail of continuous persecution and humiliation. 
  • Truly the death of Jesus was a resounding victory not a loss…
    • Today God is still using the writings of Peter, James, John, Paul Luke to bring millions of people to a personal knowledge of Jesus as Lord. 
    • Throughout history great men and kingdoms have tried to kill off  Christianity …
      • Russia, China, Korea, etc
    • But Christ humiliates them and wins thru the simple preaching of the gospel .
    • The persecution of Christians continues unabated in many lands but the gospel message is still reaping a massive harvest.

Conclusion …

  • Because Jesus is the supreme all sufficient authority…
    • Who has gifted us …
      • A new nature … enabling us to live for him
      • Total forgiveness … making us immune to prosecution.
      • Victory over Satan and his demons …enabling us to walk worthy of Christ.
    • So in Christ we are made complete …
      • What more can be added to that which is complete …
  • In the meantime we live in the hope of glory …
    • When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory… Colossians 3:4
    • His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness… 2 Peter 1:3